Saturday, January 4, 2014

Cheers new year!

So, I haven't even had a chance to talk about Christmas yet, and here I have all these new year thoughts bumping around in my head taking up space- so since 2014 is already here, lets talk about that first.

It seems so hard to believe that another year is already beginning, when this last year was just packed full with happenings! We loved 2013. I have nothing but great things to say about it, and it will definitely go down in the books for Jared and I as a year of growth. And as the months went on by, we continued to see how faithful the Lord is in our daily life, and in our relationships. We have so many things to be excited for in this coming year. Good grief, I feel like I could write a whole blog about what all is coming up, but I won't. :)

So, to take things in order here, a look back in pictures. How blessed we were these past 12 months. To be surrounded by great friends and family, to see new parts of the country, and to keep enjoying each others company. :)

We welcomed a sweet, calm, smiley nephew into our family at the end of the month. Oh, Carter. He brings us so much joy, and we love every second we get to spend time with him. And kiss his cheeks. 

It was a beautiful early winter, and we spent a lot of time outside - happy to say that Jared learned to skate backwards and hockey stop all in the same day. :)

I had some time off around Easter, and we spent time with both our families in Storden over Easter weekend. We are so thankful that our families enjoy each others company.

The winter that never seemed to end turned into an indescribably beautiful snowstorm the last week of the month. My complaining went out the window when our backyard was turned into a wonderland for a few weeks. 

We had the privilege of traveling to Vancouver, British Columbia and Seattle for an extended vacation and we had a blast. The pacific northwest totally won us over and we would go back in a heartbeat!

Another trip for us! Combining my 25th birthday and our 3rd anniversary we took off to Florida to treat ourselves to some sun (which ironically, we were ready for with such a long winter that had barely ended by this trip). We loved loved loved Disney, Universal studios, Hollywood studios - but visiting Hogwarts and Hogsmeade village stole the show for us!

We spent a good amount of time outdoors and with our friends celebrating the 4th, and just celebrating the weekends. :) But the highlight was the guys annual camping trip up to the boundary waters. We are always thankful they come home in one piece. They usually smell a little ripe, but nothing has been broken yet so I'll take it. :)

Our annual state fair rendezvous with Mike, Kait, and Ryland left nothing to be desired again this year! We upped our ante and left having tried more new food than old food. Heaven. I still never get my fill of the fried pickles though. 

I ran my first race! It was a 10K and I had family by my side, my mom, my inlaws, uncle Dan and running with my friend Grace was just what I needed. What a blessing to be at the finish line with all of them!

September's 10K was the buildup for the big guy - the Twin Cities 10 mile. Oh, the Lord's faithfulness.... this could potentially be my "best of show" for the year award. The Lord sustained me and showed me that I could accomplish this! And I never thought I could. :)

Ok, so the absolute best part of this month was our trip up to northwoods Wisconsin and the upper peninsula of Michigan with our friends Matt and Amanda. Canoeing, fires, food, flannel, hiking...this is the second year of going up to their cabin and we look forward to many more!

Was an awesome month. We saw so much of our family, we didn't start winter until the second week, we had a few Christmas celebrations (one still to be had), played lots of games, saw lots of friends, had a good chunk of time off work, bought a car(eek!), and welcomed in the new year with a great celebration. What a cap off.

As we move into 2014, we continue to stand on the promises of our God. That He is ever present, ever faithful, and always loving, even if the immediate circumstances seem a little outside of our plan. We are so undeserving of what this last year has given us, but so thankful. 

We have goals for this coming year, yes, but our bigger goal is this: to trust God, and to love others. In our work relationships, in our friendships, in our daily outward expression of what the Lord is doing in our life. This passage in 1 John was brought to my attention the other day by another blogger, and hit a chord with what Jared and I have been refining for our new year. 

"...And friends, once that’s taken care of and we’re no longer accusing or condemning ourselves, we’re bold and free before God! We’re able to stretch our hands out and receive what we asked for because we’re doing what he said, doing what pleases him. Again, this is God’s command: to believe in his personally named Son, Jesus Christ. He told us to love each other, in line with the original command. As we keep his commands, we live deeply and surely in him, and he lives in us. And this is how we experience his deep and abiding presence in us: by the Spirit he gave us." 

Cheers to a new year filled with love and growth!

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