Sunday, May 5, 2013

knowing us.

Have you noticed [I have] that sometimes when you read personal blogs on a regular basis, you start to feel like you know everything about that particular person or couple’s life? In reality, of course, a blog is only made up of snapshots or glimpses into one’s lifestyle… hardly a complete picture. And although most of the stuff that gets published here makes it seem like all is fine-and-dandy, I can't claim that we have it all together all of the time. :) So here's some of our day-to-day. The usual's. Our normal. US.

he's a night person. sometimes a morning person. she's neither.

he has gotten so much better about eating veggies since being married.

she does not take out the trash. 

He doesn't grocery shop.

we both do the dishes.

he likes to steal her side of the bed after she gets up.

he nicknamed her "bubba-ganoosh" and it stuck. and yes, we spell it that way.

she can be a bit messy.

he can't be at home without his slippers.

she gets crabby when she's hungry.

we both love blueberries.

he sings. loud and proud. and he knows like every song ever made.

she loves doing laundry. but hates putting it away. 

we both procrastinate working on our budget.

we love following tv shows, but are terrible at keeping up with them.

he watches FRIENDS with me, and loves it more every time.

we have a hard time deciding where to eat out (if we do)

she hates dusting. So it rarely happens.

we both like shoveling. its a good thing too, we don't have a snowblower.

she wishes she had a green thumb.

he loves getting back-scratches. she [sometimes] loves giving them.

she makes a mean grilled cheese sandwich. One of his faves. 

he grew up in the country. she's a city girl [who loves the country open air]

she could eat breakfast any meal of the day.

we have a really big yard and lots of plans for it. 

he loves to mow. at least that's good.

we love taking walks. 

we love our family.

we love each other. 

we love being married. 


We're coming up on three years of marriage this summer. [WOW!] Sometimes I hear myself say that and I can't believe it's been that long. We are constantly growing and changing as a couple, and this whole marriage thing is tough - but so amazing to see how it's changing us for the better. I'll be writing bits of our story over the next month... so [if you're interested]... stay tuned! Happy Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. Love this post :) It's funny how much you learn about a person when you live with them, isn't it?
