Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My #2 Man

Well, a much needed study break it is. My fingernails are tired of having clay stuck under them and my cuticles don't like being stained terracotta anymore. I've been working hard on this guy for my 3D Anatomy class and I'm almost done! I have about 7 more big muscles to go - which will unfortunately cover up all this fine detail so I'm showing it off now! I built him from the bone up! You wouldn't believe me if I told you all the detail of the muscles in our body. Trust me, after joining each individual vertebrae in our spine by 3 differerent muscles alone... it's detail! Unbelievable to me that some don't see the divine creation we are. Every ounce in me marvels at how the Lord created us! I go through my classes with students and instructors who teach this information and learn this information and then go, "huh... well I'm glad everything worked out when I evolved!"
I am thankful, Lord. Thankful for the intricateness of my body and how I function. All glory to You!

In other news, Jared and I survived the blizzard! :) We stayed on top of shoveling the driveway so once it was all said and done, we only had very sore backs to show for it! But what a beautiful blizzard it was. I love driving around and seeing 2.5 feet of snow framing the sidewalks and the monstrous piles it creates, even on the major highways! The -15 temps we have had have helped it stay too. :) Although, sometimes it's hard to be thankful for -15 temps....

Until next time... stay warm!

P.S. And for the sake of my husband... I don't have any other man than you. :) Love you sweetie!


  1. nicely put! gotta love science classes and the complexity in how we were put together! The Lord definitely knew what He was doing. :)

  2. Wow. It truly is a amazing how God has created each one of so unique. Great Job Skyler

  3. WOW! Congratulations on a job well done, this dude is very impressive!
