Saturday, February 1, 2014

carter | turning one

Hard to believe that just one year ago, I was writing [this post...] and now here we are celebrating the one year of life this sweet little guy has been present in our lives.

Family gathered yesterday, Carter's actual birthday, to celebrate his special day. And what a special day it was. He is such a people person, and with the exception of his post-sugar-party-crash (but who can blame him?!)... he was the life of the party. :) 

Carter got his first dump truck, had his first birthday cake and his first tastes of what sugar is....and held it down very well... wore his first party hat, and had happy birthday sung to him for the first time. Of all the firsts that happen before you are one, there is something extra special about this birthday. :)

hi baby, you are so loved...

We are filled with joy over your life, Carter! We are so happy to be your aunt and uncle. We pray the Lord's blessings over you and your second year of life! Happy 1st Birthday!

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