Monday, January 13, 2014

recapping christmas

So, I realize I'm about two weeks late here, but since we haven't had one of our Christmas celebrations yet, and seeing that our tree and all other signs of Christmas are still up at our house... I'm gonna roll with it. So Christmas. 

We did SO much, but in retrospect, I felt like we really had a time of rest. Which was great, because if there is one time that I truly miss being in school, it's around the holidays when I don't get two+ weeks of time off. :) 

We were planning on being with both of our families up in the city throughout the week, but after Christmas, Greg, Lori and Carter had the flu sweep their house, so we spent some time with Dave & Chris which is always wonderful, but that leaves us with one Christmas celebration that has yet to be had. :) 

On the plus side, we did get time with our parents and we are always SO thankful for the relationship we have with all of them. Some of the highlights of our mini stay-cation...

{we slept in pretty much every day. what a treat!}
{the guys had a game day, and the girls did the same - but without the games. :)}
{we spent a lot of time outside thanks to the gorgeous weather all week}
{we bought a car!}
{we went to the outlet malls the day after Christmas for the 2nd year - our "black friday"}

{we enjoyed being at our own church on Christmas eve, doesn't happen that often as we are usually out of town, so we were very thankful!}
{we had an absolutely beautiful snow on Christmas eve, and it continued on Christmas!}
{we took another beautiful Christmas day walk in the fresh powder, and Sami was in heaven playing with snowballs on the lake}

{we spent time around the table with wonderful family friends, these girls are so special to me}

{we went to the last run of the Holidazzle parade in downtown Mpls with some great friends}

{I had enough down time at my parents to relax and read my favorite childhood christmas book}
{we enjoyed christmas morning unwrapping presents at my parents, and trying to hold off Sami to her "one" present. That dog loves christmas. And she gave Jared those eyes like it was her job.Tail wagging the whole time.}

{we ate a LOT of good food.}
{we had our traditional English Christmas dinner ON Christmas this year! First time that's ever happened in the 5+ years we've been doing this tradition with the Squires.}
{I got my english pudding with rum butter...mmm...}

{oh, and we went to go see Phantom of the Opera at the Orpheum on a last minute whim. It was absolutely spectacular!}

We were so thankful for a little time off that we could rest and enjoy our family and friends! And I thoroughly loved having my husband around for a whole week with no athletic games or homework! It was pretty big plus. :)

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