Tuesday, June 4, 2013

vancouver | part 2

One of the most awesome things about the Vancouver area was how we could go from this...

to this...

...in less than 30 minutes. The city. The ocean. This place has the perfect blend. 

This harbor was actually on Vancouver Island - we ferried over here for our whale watching day {coming soon}. And it boasted it's own beauty!

Back to downtown Vancouver. Their sea wall surrounding Stanley Park - which is like a Central Park in NYC - truly showed off the city, mountain, and sea views! {hmm... maybe I should pursue a career in realty?} 

{blog - meet David - the newest wonderful addition to our fam, thanks to my Aunt Koko!}

Time to call it a night. ;)

Some of the most memorable parts of the trip were these moments spent just touring around the city on foot. I was a typical tourist with my camera, but the difference in architecture, the history, and the pacific ocean feel was totally worth it. :)

More to come.... adios from the iphone & lighthouse park!

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