Wednesday, January 8, 2014

the tundra.

So, the sheer fact that you are reading this post means that we have survived the Minnesota deep freeze of 2014 with all ten fingers and enough heat in our house to type. :) Big sigh of relief. 

Some thoughts after being cooped up in the house for the last 4 days...

Observation 1. I have uttered the words, "it's only 9 below today!" As if that were something to be excited about.
Observation 2. I (somehow) have not convinced my husband that flannel sheets are a must.
Observation 3. I have been wearing my knit hats in the house.
Observation 4. I have not ever started coughing just by taking that first step outside. Until Monday. Hit you like a ton of bricks.
Observation 5. I have had warmer toes than Jared on  more than one occasion these past 72 hours. Which means.... it's. really. cold. 
Observation 6. I did take my first selfie in the car. Waiting for it to warm up. The cold must have gotten to me. I was weak. 
Observation 7. I have cozied myself up with re-watching Gilmore Girls, drinking dark hot cocoa, and playing Ticket to Ride on the iPad with Jared. 
Observation 8. We have survived actual temperatures of -25 with windchills into the -40s and -50s and lived to tell about it. And it was kind of exciting. ;)

It's been cold outside. But we're staying nice and warm inside. And are very grateful for that fact. Very very grateful. 

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