Wednesday, February 8, 2012

catching up.

I've been a bad blogger lately... so much has been going on! Adapting to working full time, working on our house, seeing friends, that this has taken a back seat. I'll get some updated house pictures up soon - we have come a little ways. Not finished yet, but on our way! We've enjoyed our weekends to their fullest; going to the St. Paul winter carnival and watching the parade, getting together with friends for the superbowl, and I've enjoyed a few "girl nights" while Jared has had some games. My most encouraging realization: that even though we moved a bit north of the city, we still see our friends in abundance. :)

We enjoyed a loud & fun superbowl party with our clan. (Too busy to focus the camera apparantly... forgot my tripod too.) Eh - oh well. It was a great night.

We really enjoyed the game - brought our own commentary to the halftime show, talked through most of the first half, only to be riveted to the final minutes... it was a pretty good one. Helps to have all your besties around.

We also celebrated David's birthday - adding to the sugar content of the evening might I add. I couldn't bring myself to post pictures of all the food. Just looking at it all brought back uncomfortable memories of early monday morning when my body was hating on me. But Dave, we love you lots buddy!

Gonna keep this one short and sweet, my evening calls. Be back very soon with more happenings! Yikes, can't believe we're in our second week of febuary already. I'll try to stay more in the loop. Have a great wednesday!

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