Monday, May 23, 2011

Bath time

We'll start with the end result: a clean dog, a tired dog, a nap on the couch for me, and a pretty darn cute pair of apologetic puppy eyes.....

Getting here was the interesting part. Now, I've given Sami baths before, not for awhile, I'll admit, and I can tell my skills were down. My guard as well. And I won't ever let my guard down again when bathing a 50 lb dog. Exhibit A:

Sami sees me attatching the sprayer to the shower. She runs.
Skyler chases Sami. Sister knows whats up!
Sami goes limp.
Skyler starts sweeping the floor with Sami's butt as she's getting dragged to the tub.
That hurts the back, so Sami gets picked up. Very ungracefully.
Dog's in the tub. Door's shut. Step 1.

In no series of peaceful events, the shampoo goes on, *dog plops down in the farthest end of the tub*, shampoo gets rinsed off, *dog insists on drinking from the sprayer*, and the water goes off, *dog attempts jail break from the tub immediately upon no more water flow*. Now. Here's where things got really interesting. Exhibit B:

Dog get "squee-gee-ed" off. Still VERY wet, mind you.
Skyler lets her guard down - turns around to get towel - dog leaps out of tub....

Now what happened next was like seeing a movie in slow motion with that low, Arnold Schwarzenegger like voice saying "NOOOoooooooo......" Let's set the scene. VERY small bathroom, door is shut, tile floor, ME, and an extremely wet and disgruntled dog.

She shakes - and it rains.
She starts neurotically rubbing herself on the floor against the walls with her butt up in the air.
The walls get wet.
Garbage can gets knocked over.
She rolls the toilet paper off the roll.
It sticks to her.
She shakes - and it rains again.
She continues rolling obsessively on the floor.
I slip - it's tile!!
I can't make her stop.
She shakes.
I'm mad.
I yell........loudly.
She stops.
She gets practically thrown back in the tub. And gets towel dried there.

Yet somehow, as soon as I deemed her dry enough to set free (I, on the other hand, was a different story), I was her hero. Funny how quickly they forgive and forget. She proceded to roll on the carpet, roll on the couch, and go into a puppy crazy. Havn't seen one of those for awhile!

I was exhausted. But at the end of it all - you just can't resist her. Especially those apologetic eyes... so we cuddled. And I forgave her for the thunderstorm she put me through.... and the bruise on my knee..... and the low back ache..... She's just too great of a dog. But, I think I'll be leaving bath time to the pro's for awhile. :)


  1. Thanks for the laugh!!!! You had told me the story but the visual makes it all the better. She was nice to touch when I got home so I appreciate your EFFORT. Luv ya babe, ME

  2. Oh Skyler lol What an ordeal!
