Saturday, January 28, 2012

all the newness

What a month it has been! All good and wonderful things, but this process of moving and starting a new job has really worn on me. So I'm trying to sleep as much as I can and always take my vitamins! So here's the lowdown....

I started my new job 2 weeks ago at the Institute for Orthopedics and Chiropractic. I do massage therapy referrals 3 days a week, and chiropractic assisting 5 days a week. It has been quite like drinking out of a fire hydrant, with how intense it is. I'm treating high level athletes, Mayo clinic and Tria cases, as well as trying to keep my physical stamina up with doing massages. They have trained me in as a Chiropractic assistant, so I help with soft tissue and manual adjustments with the chiropractor, give ultrasounds (not like baby ones - its a form of deep heat applied to muscle tissue - but the concept/tools are pretty much the same,) and prep patients for adjustments. It's a full time job (so thankful!) so I'm pretty beat when I get home from work. My body is adapting to the routine, but it is taking a bit. I really like what I am doing, and the clinic is one of the most reputable in the state, because it is a combination of Physical Therapy and chiropractic modalities... they do things so much differently than I've ever seen them before! In the two weeks I've been there though, I have seen it work! 

And the house!! Can't even believe that Jared and I are homeowners. Actually now that I think about it - this is the first blog I've posted about the house. Hmm. A bit behind I guess! Well, then, for those of you that didn't know... we bought a house. :) A quite lovely one, I might add. It's in Blaine, about a 12 minute drive for Jared to work, and about a 35 minute one for me (with no traffic), but I'm daytime hours, and he has evenings, so it's right this way.

With Jared and I not getting home until around 7pm each night, the house projects have taken a bit longer than we'd hoped, but I have to be realistic here. We both work full time now, and our evening time is limited. It will take longer, and I am becoming more and more comfortable with that. This is what it looks like right now....

It will get there. :) There were too many pictures of the house to put all on the blog, so I have created a link to the facebook album by clicking HERE.
The link will work, and you can click through the pictures even if you don't have a facebook, or are not friends with me.  I'll keep updating as we make more progress! I am SO enjoying nesting and making it feel like Jared and I. It's been a whole new experience for us - with repairs, hanging blinds/window treatments, problem solving those "welcome to home-ownership" messes, (we didn't have hot water until yesterday!) but we are doing so well. 

We have so much to be thankful for, both working at full time jobs IN our respective fields, buying a house, getting settled, being back in Minnesota.... the list goes on. We give HIM all the praise! Have a great Saturday everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on the new house! That's so exciting :) and congrats on the job.

    Enjoy your new home with your hubby!
