Monday, February 21, 2011

LAST weekend...

So this is what I get for putting off blog posts. The gorgeous weather I was so excited to share has turned right back into Minnesota winter. This morning Jared and I were up at 6am digging out so he could get to work. Sore everything and 2 hours later.... we were both exhausted and it was only 8am! I will never speak against snow plows (so thankful for them) but when it comes to the end of driveways... it's a different story. That was this morning. Now if only we could go back to our wonderful LAST weekend! It was a balmy 48* degrees outside and we were loving it! We're talking no coat, flats, and sunshine. Gorgeous. And so we spent a whole day this weekend enjoying it! We started out by meeting my parents, and my cousin and her family for a scrumptious lunch at a long-time favorite restaraunt, Qcumbers! Many fond memories of this place as a child (Squires!) and it didn't disappoint me as an adult! After we were (unfortunately) stuffed, we headed over to Centennial Lakes which is just a step away to ice skate! Moving was the last thing that sounded pleasant at the time, but it always does seem to help. :) For as beautiful as it was, it didn't surprise me at how busy the lake was, and the skating was sub-par as you'll see, but it was a blast. Sun just makes you happy like that.

Obvioulsy, no one was concerned about this sign.....

We just couldn't get enough of the sunshine! It really had been a long time since we'd seen it! (And seeing this picture just totally caught me off guard - Jared's long hair!!)

The cattail was enjoying it too. They just looked happy basking in the rays! (as did mom) :)

I'd be pretty bummed if I was this bubble... so close. So close.

And of course, with how wet and packy it was, some snowballs were inevitable...

Hope you enjoyed any nice weather (while it did or didn't last)... we sure did! And now we're bringing in the blustery stillness of snow. Again. No more excited families outside, no kites, no sunshine, just stillness. All in time, I guess, all in time. Greyish blue skies. Piles of snow too tall to see over, and fresh stuff already put a dusting over our immaculately shoveled driveway. I guess its a home day. But it's good. :) So good.

Stay cozy!!


  1. Great pictures! We loved the warm weather last week too! This snow and freezing ice we had has been a big bummer. We didn't get nearly as much snow as MN. I like snow days but not after a great warm week like last week. Ha!

    Stay warm and have a great week


  2. I am with ya when it comes to snow at the end of the driveway. Makes alot of work but the plow drivers do a great job.


  3. Hey Sky, who 'dat man you're with??
