Sunday, April 27, 2014

life according to the iphone

After being on a bit of a blogging hiatus, I am hoping to jump back in this spring with renewed intention. It has been quite a busy past few months for the two of us, lots of travel for Jared, MBA classes amping up his already extremely full workload, and trying to squeak sometimes even just a half hour of "us" time in before going to bed. Some weeks that hasn't even happened. 

Thankfully as this is just a space to document what is currently going on in our life, and as that sometimes likes to imply lots of {self-inflicted} pressure on my part to sustain it, I am reminded that sometimes - ok, a lot of times - that just keeping our head afloat during busy seasons like this takes much more precedence, and in the long run, I am much happier when I release that pressure to "present our life" and simply live day by day in the moment. 

All that aside, I think I have taken zero pictures on my actual camera in the past 2 months {something I am really hoping to change here} and am left with snippets here and there of daily captures on the phone. Just as good for seasons like this. :) 

What we've been enjoying lately... according to my iphone...

\\ Spring. Some days of sun, some days of torrential rain, and the joys that both of those bring. Today we are nestled inside so grateful for 4 walls around us. Rain on, rain on \\

\\ The chance for a friday night date. Indulging in the first ice cream of the season at a sweet local creamery {no pun intended} ;) \\

\\ having fresh flowers in the house. the smell and the hope of greenery to come. :) Trader Joe's is my one stop shop lately for beauties like these. Hey, when I'm ready for spring to come, I'm ready  \\

\\ the 8th grade selfie. I do not have ONE decent picture with my girls. haha They are the joy of my every Wednesday night, and mean the world to me. Even if I cant get them to cooperate for a single picture \\

\\ Baseball. Springtime around here means spending time at the ballpark watching the Royals to just see the blue of Jared's eyes for a bit. :) When it's not snowing, raining, or being cancelled for sopping wet fields that is.....\\

\\ Carter. enjoying that our sweet nephew is 16 months old and loving his personality! He loves looking at himself in the camera, and {occasionally} showing off his sweet toothy grin \\

\\ Family. I revisited my old home-away-from-home-on-the-weekends to watch my second cousin once removed {such a mouthful} play volleyball. It was so great to see my aunt, uncle, cousin and this lady... can't believe she's old enough to be doing this. :) Seems like just yesterday it was me \\

\\ Easter. Time spent with family. Rest. A beautiful Sunday. And now the coming weeks of continuing to sit in the Easter tide. It was so great to spend even a short time down in Storden over Easter with Jared's parents. Thankful for every opportuinty \\

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