Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How we did Valentine's

It was the best love day we have ever had! On top of it being all nice and spring-like outside, both Jared and I were really excited to spend a special day set apart for the specific purpose of celebrating each other and how much we love each other! And I think we would both agree, the day was definitely set apart! You know how sometimes everything you want/had planned to happen just kind of falls into place perfectly, (even though you were preparing for it not to) and at the end of the day you reflect and think, "wow, that all couldn't have gone better!" Well, that's how our Valentine's day was for us. I know it won't always happen, and I'd be foolish to live under that high standard mindset, but for one day, I am so thankful it happened.

We had decided to spend the first part of the evening in. Both of us simply love our "home time" together, and I wanted to do some cooking for my husband on our first Valentine's day! I spent the day in the kitchen, loving every minute of it! That joy just encompassed our whole day - even in the preparation time for me. I kept thinking about how thankful I am for Jared and how much I wanted to celebrate that. When that kind of JOY really hits you - you take it all in. Our menu for the night was a baked chicken penne in a tomato cream sauce, fresh roasted asparagus, and a new decadent favorite... jumbo chocolate caramel salted cupcakes! Say that 5 times fast! The cupcakes took up a good chunk of my morning, but they were SO worth it. Jared and I have never tasted homeade frosting like this before. It was the softest, fluffiest, melt in your mouth, goodness ever. One of those "never lose" recipies!

Did I lick every beater and spatula I used? Yes. Was it a good idea? Not really. Was it totally worth it? Heck Yes.

Add a pastry bag...

Then a little caramel & sea salt and.......
Taaadaaa! I made these!

When Jared got home, dinner was ready to roll, it all smelled marvelous, and I had another beautiful decoration to add to the table! There is just something about red roses on Valentines day, istn't there?

And our dinner was absolutely delicious! Both Jared and I are Italian fanatics, so a classic cheese chicken pasta made us both happy! It's comfort food. :) We added some healthy sides and a small dose of champagne, and celebrated!

And... the gift I wasn't sure when it would happen.... CAME TONIGHT! Probably the cutest, most thoughtful present I've received. (no, it's not a dog. hehe) This takes the (cup)cake!! Check out my  husband - before and after!

So, why did we break his "streak" you ask? (In case you weren't aware, this is the first - yes, first - time Jared has ever gotten his hair cut at a salon. I felt like a mom of a 1 year old at their first hair cut taking all these cute pictures of him!! :) Before I came into the picture, Chris (his mom) would cut his hair, and now I do.) So breaking the streak - Since his hair was so long, he figured it would be a much cleaner affair to have someone else do all the cleanup rather than us in our kitchen. A-GREED. It was such a fun, spontaneous trip, and a huge treat! I did like his long hair, but it was just time. A truly sacrificial Valentine's day gift, and one that created such a fun memory for us!!

Post-haircut, we decided to drive as far north as it would take to look at the stars outside the city lights. It was a clear night, and so fun to just spend time in the car driving, talking, driving, just the two of us, to cap off our night. A very late night picture was in order when we got home - I wish we would have taken one earlier when we were both more awake/looked more awake(!), but I guess we were just having too much fun! I hope you had a blessed Valentines Day! We are so fortunate to love - and only because HE first loved us!


  1. I always love your photos! Oh, PS. Please come down and help me decorate my future house in lets say... 4 months! I'll even let you swim in our pool! ;)

  2. your pictures are making me hungry! yum! :)

  3. I can't believe so much of this. Jared eating ANYTHING with a tomato base, wait...Jared eating roasted asparagas!!! The best is Jared with a haircut! Skyler, will you come and cook for me? I love all that stuff. I am the originator of chicken pasta for comfort food. all you needed to add was garlic bread. Yummy. thanks for the pictures.
    Love, Mom
