Friday, June 7, 2013

vancouver | part 3

Are you tired of Vancouver yet? I'm not!

Ok, truth... I'm beat, and really not in the blogging mood tonight - sigh. But in the spirit of powering through... a few more pictures! Some on the ferry, some on the Island, some downtown Vancouver... this one is kind of an array. Some days you just have to embrace the disjointedness. :)

The beautiful Olympic Torch. Right on the sea wall and in the heart of downtown at the same time. It was really quite magnificent!

Good thing I packed those rain boots... ;)You know, for important things, like trudging through fountains...

We were bummed to be leaving downtown Vancouver, but had some really fun things planned over on the Island, too!

So, adios to Vancouver, and on the ferry we went!

This cargo ferry was massive! And winding through all the different inlets with mountains on both sides was stunning.

Hello, family! Enjoying the sun deck on the front of the boat.

And a big hello to Vancouver Island!

They had quite the stunning architecture... wow. The Island was obviously much different than mainland British Columbia and downtown Vancouver - but unique in it's own way. It was much more quintessential small town, but still had plenty of intriguing things to do. The harbor, another beautiful pier and lighthouse, these beautiful and historic old buildings, flowers like you'd never believe, GREAT food, sweet horses...

And the most exciting thing we did on the Island will come next post. Our whale watching experience! Hang in there with me, I'm almost done. :)

I'll close with a cameo goodbye appearance from my sweet Grandpa who we fully believe was wearing women's sunglasses the whole trip. You're a stitch, Gramps. I love you.

Happy Friday, everyone.

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