Tuesday, June 25, 2013

her birthday.

In my industry, we often see people “take over” an organization’s Twitter or Facebook account as a way to create more customer engagement. For instance, a company's president may answer a series of questions or a professional athlete may give a shout out to fans over twitter. Today, my hope in “taking over” Skyler’s personal blog is not necessarily to build customer engagement, but to tell her just 25 things I love about her on her 25th birthday—her golden birthday, I might add.

Recently she’s done tributes to her dad, nephew, long-distance friends, and closely related moms, so my hope today is to compose a tribute to her.

Here are just some of the things I love and appreciate about you, Skyler.

1. Your commitment to Christ.
2. Your genuine spirit.
3. Your devotion to me and to our marriage.
4. Your smile.
5. Your ability to decorate a home… within budget!
6. Your prayer life.
7. Your sacrificial attitude—driving 50 minutes to work each way!
8. Your willingness to keep me accountable.
9. Your longing for close friendships.
10. Your desire to capture all of our moments on camera.
11. Your (non) green thumb.
12. Your encouragement for my personal and professional growth.
13. Your time mentoring younger girls and desire to be mentored.
14. Your desire to be healthy.
15. Your love for football, baseball, hockey, and other sports.
16. Your compassion for those without a voice.
17. Your heart of a caretaker.
18. Your embrace of my family.
19. Your creativity.
20. Your vocabulary about your job, which is completely foreign to me.
21. Your love for the little things (wearing a scarf, drinking a London fog, sunning).
22. Your excitement to travel.
23. Your random (mini) tangents.
24. Your maturity in immature situations. 
25. Your readiness to serve others, no matter what the opportunity.

Happy 25th birthday, beautiful.

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