Sunday, March 18, 2012

taking one for the team... a trip to florida that is.

Today, and for the rest of the week, hubby's in Florida.

Rough life of a Sports Information Director... following the baseball and softball teams to Ft. Meyers, FL for spring training. In all seriousness though, Jared SO needed this mini-getaway. It has been so crazy these past few weeks for him with the crossover of winter sports and spring sports. We've been quoting the American Airlines "wanna get away?" voice for days in anticipation of this.

He's been doing daily blogs of the games, and all the usual writing, etc. The bonus, though, as he and his brother like to call it is "constituent relations." Meeting and rubbing elbows with the other schools, sports information directors, etc. Networking and media relations is a huge part of this job, so it makes sense. I just wish my job gave me all expense paid trips to 85 degrees and sunshine for "constituent relations." Now, if only we can get him to wear sunscreen... yowza.

This happened Saturday - first full day. I think he's hurting enough to not let it happen again. He will be sunscreening. (I hope.) Altough he and the other administration down there have been keeping plenty busy, they have been able to sqeeze in some R & R from the sound (or see) of it.

What I would do for that and this... it's bittersweet that he keeps photo-filling me in.

I'm so thankful he has been able to rest a little bit, and is enjoying the team. He totally deserves it! I do wish that I could have ventured on down there for a little bit, but I wasn't able to take off work just quite yet. There will be a time. :) I am already SO excited to have him back late thursday night! 7 days is the longest we have gone thus far without seeing each other... so one notch off the belt I guess! It has definitely helped that it's high 70s and even 80 degrees here with sun. I'm not experiencing quite as much jealousy over missing a Florida getaway.... *quite that is....


  1. OHHH! So jealous right now, too, Jared! Hope you're having a wonderful time and recovering from that painful sunburn. Glad to see that you're still in good spirits even with Jared away, Skyler. We should plan something super fun to make up for all the fun he's having down there. haha

  2. Thanks for taking one for the team, hun. You're my little All-Star. #cheese
