Tuesday, December 28, 2010

We'll be home for Christmas

And we both were! Celebrating Christmas with our families as a married couple was nothing short of special. As well as our own little Christmas, we had the privilege of spending time with my family prior to and through Christmas morning, and then Jared's family that afternoon through the early week. We had a blast! Christmas morning I had a "little boy" with me who just couldn't wait to open presents. :) We had a delicious brunch and overwhelming blessings and reminders of the joy of this season. It only continued as we took our trip down to Storden, MN to Jared's family! Brother and sister-in-law in tow, (well in all honesty, they drove... we were in tow) we had time with Chris & Dave as well as Grandma and the big, awesome, and fun extended Johnson fam! We missed all you Johnson's who weren't there!! Whether we are in the cities or in the country... our joy is never short. We love our family!

While we were in southwest MN, we were graced with the most beautiful, frosty glaze on Sunday morning! On top of that bright blue sky, it couldn't have been more beautiful. Talk about creation appreciation!

A highlight of the weekend - an awesome game of "Blurt" with the inlaws. I highly recommend this one. It pretty much comes down to what you know and how quickly you can say it. Nothing hard, just a phrase description of simple things and you yell out the answer - quickly. Despite the late hour - one of us was quite on our game - I'll let you guess who was yellow and who was blue. ;)

Friendly newleywed competition aside & Christmas proper being over, Jared and I have already started out on our road/ski trip! We drove under the country stars tonight and it was gorgeous. One of my favorite things in Storden is when we drive a mile out of town and literally stand in the road and stare. It's unlike anything I've ever seen. Anyways, we are camped out (not literally) southwest of the cities and will resume our trip to Nebraska to meet our best friends tomorrow! Then it's on to Colorado for a few days of powder and sun! Can't wait to blog about that one...


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures of the families and the frost! It sounds and looks like you had a wonderful Christmas! Have fun in Colorado! :)
