Thursday, March 6, 2014

just me and the dog.

I'm flyin' solo for the next 5 days. Just me and the dog. Trying to look on the positive side that my whole entire family is somewhere warmer than I am. But this gentle sweetie has kept me company for the one full day that we've been in this little "situation" together. 

Positive side: early morning walks are a totally peaceful way to start your day. 

Positive side: I got to make cookies for just me. Before I ate dinner. :)

Positive side: cute puppy tracks.

Positive side: she just loves. the snow.  Doesn't have the most modesty, but we're working on it. ;)

On the agenda for my upcoming weekend... walking a few new trails, washing paws, snacking on carrots with Sami, snuggles, leaving the cookies in the freezer, some reading, throwing some tennis know. And I'm quite looking forward to it. :)

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