Tuesday, June 19, 2012

one Father, two dads.

On Father's day Sunday, Jared and I heard a great sermon. It was a sermon that challenged us as someday-parents, but moreover, made us so much more aware (than we already are) of what a blessing we have in our dads. The sermon was on the role that dads play in the lives of their children, to call out life in them. As our pastor made it quite clear, probably a greater amount of people in the service did not grow up in a household where there was Godly direction, love, and even a physical presence for that matter of their father. We sat humbly, very aware of the fact that both our fathers were present, loving, affirming, supportive, and called out life in us. What a blessing we have been given. We are the minority. And as we continued to listen, we became more and more grateful, emotional, and thankful. What about those who never experienced this kind of identity from their father? Do they feel empty? Hurt? How can we take on the role of calling out life to people who maybe have never had it seen in them? Enter the role of our Heavenly Father. "The father to the fatherless. " I can only imagine how much more difficult  it is for them to understand the characteristics of our God as a father that come so naturally to us who have experienced the love of a dad. As much as I know I can't fix the problem of fatherless homes, I do know how much more it has opened my heart for those who need the love of a Heavenly Father so much greater. And it has made Jared and I intentful on how we can carry out that love by calling out life in people - their talents, their value and worth - all things that the Heavenly Father sees, and we can be His instrument for. Oh, how He loves us. Jared and I are beyond blessed to see our Father in 2 human examples.

On the actual Father's Day we spent some time in Chanhassen with my parents, and we kept busy baking a salted carmel "rhub-apple" pie - recipie coming SOON, playing ping pong, and watching the US Open. It was a wonderful day.

We are thankful every day for the blessing of our parents - but Dad, Dave - there is a special calling that you two have fulfilled as fathers and leaders. To call out God's life in Jared and I, encourage us, spiritually direct us and our families, make us feel valued and loved, and to model exactly the kind of father that God desires. Thank you! We love you so much!

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