Friday, March 25, 2011


If there is one BIG thing that Jared and I miss... it's these wonderful friends. After college, everyone kind of exploded across the states. Nebraska, Iowa, Wisconsin, (ahem - MEXICO!)... but at least these guys are still in range for a weekend visit!! My bff came to town!! Words cant even express how much we miss the Stines'. Just having them back for a short time made us reminisce of how comfortable we are with each other, and as hard as we try... these shoes can't be filled.

But you know what.. it's ok to have a spot like that for someone or a couple. Because time together is that much sweeter knowing it can't be replaced. Toni and Jake moved to Nebraska this summer after their wedding, and it's been tough on us both. We both had to adjust to not living with each other, and replacing each other with boys!! (Dont get me wrong - SUCH a good thing! haha But an adjustment none the less). ;)  So when we get to spend time together, it's needed. In this case, the initial crazed reunion was at Rock Bottom Brewery in Minneapolis. Mark and Luke, who was also in from WI for this weekend of fabulous reuniting, joined us and we just celebrated being together! (Much later than we should have...)

I killed that bowling machine. Thanks for a blast from the past, Luke!
Also scored my first bullseye at darts! Ashamed to say I DON'T have proof in the form of a picture.... I must have been too excited to think straight. ;) The rest of the weekend was spent as the 6 of us. Car time, talk time, laughing time... I think half of our talking time was all of us just expressing how GOOD it felt to all be together again. We totally drank this weekend up. Saturday we went to Joe Sensors, which is an awesome Sports bar that lines their walls with projection TV's to watch sporting games. Each table has a little "transistor radio looking thing" so you can tune in to whichever television you want to watch! Our event of choice was the Minnesota Wild game.

After church on Sunday, we had lunch before everyone needed to take off. :( El Rodeo was a tiny, hole in the wall, Mexican favorite of Toni and Jake's when they lived here, so why not hit up an old fave? It sure was tasty, and an awesome way to close and awesome weekend. That, and Toni and I squeezing in some tv time with the most renowned F.R.I.E.N.D.S. group ever! ;) Couldn't leave that out with each other!

And guys, my photo editing did all it could with this next one... hahaha but you remembered what it looked like BEFORE! I am now in the market for a tripod. :)

We love all of you guys so much. SO stinking much. It was the best weekend we've had in a long time. And even though it was short, just having all of us together again made it worth every second!! Luke: answer that phone when its our next reunion time, dude... Mark: thanks for staying in the cities... Jake: you're the best guy out there for my boof... and Toni: LOVE YOU. Thanks for a wonderful weekend!!

*I'm gonna switch gears now... and since there is no possible way to transition from all that weekend wonderfullness to this next paragraph, I made a line. So from now on, "a line" signifies just that. Me not taking time to thoughtfully transition... :)

So, remember when Jared and I took that red-eye flight back from Phoenix a few weeks ago? Well, both of us felt SO "plane-icky" when we got to Minneapolis, that just the smell of our bags, clothes, and carry ons made us want to lose it. Hence, we left that good old "for your comfort and convenience blanket" that Delta gives out with my parents. We didn't want anything to do with that plane smell. Mom sent me this pic a few days ago... I guess at least someone is getting some use out of the blanket!! What a cutie....

Now go back to thinking about how wonderful your friends are! (And how cute Sami is...;) Happy weekend!


  1. I know how that is missing friends! We first moved to WI and now we're in South Dakota. All of our good friends are in MN. Making new friends is great but the history with old friends is just special. That's awesome you got to hang out with your buddies!

    Have a great weekend

  2. So glad you were able to have such a special time with friends :) It's tough when everyone scatters after college, so it's nice to be able to cherish the time when you have it :)

    Also - ADORABLE pic of the pup :) Love you guys!
