Thursday, April 21, 2011

Nothing else to do....

The time is here. To finally sit up on the couch and concentrate on something. I have been so under the weather for the last 4 days, this is a feat in and of itself! I've wanted to blog about our most recent fun for awhile, but my body felt otherwise I guess. I thought my throat was going to be the end of me. My immune system finally kicked the bucket yesterday morning when I woke up with hives. All over. That was it. Doctor time. Apparantly my (wonderful) body was working so hard to fight against my infection(s) it just threw in the towel - said "I'm tired and stressed - and decided hives was the proper coping mechanism. (I could think of some better strategies, thank you very much. But it didn't ask my opinion.) So anyways, with nothing else to do but sit up, it's blog time!. So enjoy... our night of shuffleboard!

About a week ago, we joined our wonderful friends at Herkimers Pub in uptown to celebrate Rachel's birthday! Surprise party... might I add. Gotta love those!

We became quite the shuffleboard masters as the night went on! If I can say, I believe the women had the better "touch" on the board. At least the scores proved it. ;) Finesse, baby!

Now, I had never played shuffleboard before, and I found it to be much harder than it looked! It truly is a finesse game. Nothing like the carpetball we grew up on in junior high - totally the same look... but none of the muscle. ;) We found that out quickly! I really enjoyed it though, and look forward to going back, refining my skills, learning more about the details of scoring, and enjoying the atmosphere of this place.

It was totally fun to catch up with the girls - while the guys got ultra competitive - and enjoy an evening out!

Snapping photos in this place was fun too. The lights were low, and instead of seeing bright, vivid colors through the lens, I saw more dim, muted, grayscale colors. It was different but way cool! And lets be real, waking up to another inch of snow yesterday has kept things in grayscale for a bit. Sigh. It will end soon enough. But I sure thought we were there!

See ya, Herkimer! We'll be back!

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